Dear Customers,
As you well know, the extended use of e-mail has led to the spread of a large amount of unsolicited e-mail (SPAM) that is continuously circulating the internet.
To avoid the growth of SPAM, all e-mail service providers must take measures to prevent this problem and establish controls (filters) on all e-mails before they are delivered to their client. Given that SPAM is increasingly sophisticated, they pass through these filters very easily in a short period and, therefore, e-mail providers are permanently adapting and changing these filters.
SPAM is treated in a very similar manner to a virus in the internet and, therefore, is automatically blocked and deleted without the knowledge of the sender or the recipient. Were this not the case, we would receive the same number of notifications as potential SPAM and this would also be very inconvenient. In short, the recipient to whom an e-mail detected as SPAM is addressed will not receive an e-mail or notification of it being blocked and the e-mail is directly lost. Given that SPAM is treated as a virus, when someone sends an e-mail that is detected as SPAM, they will not receive a notification to indicate that the e-mail sent has been blocked and deleted.
The constant changes made to Anti-SPAM filters have the disadvantage of being able to affect any internet users. It may well be that an e-mail is sent from a reliable account, such as yours or ours that are not SPAM, but is identified and deleted as if it were SPAM.
Over the past week alone we have detected 3 cases of this type of e-mail sent by our customers that have been deleted, with the further difficulty that neither they nor we have received an e-mail to inform of this problem.
Dynatech would like to remind you of the most likely causes of an e-mail being considered “Unsolicited”:
- e-mails with a lot of links (to websites) are considered potentially hazardous.
- e-mails with a lot of background images that could be confused with advertising e-mails also have this problem,
- Some types of file sent as attached data, such as files with an .exe extension or any other type of file that may auto-execute without it having to be opened by another program,
- Some e-mail addresses that have a relatively uncommon classification or, primarily, addresses from web-based providers such as or any other local service provider. These involve greater risks because an indeterminate number of accounts can be created and, therefore, almost all SPAM comes from these public providers.
If you want to avoid this problem in the future, we recommend you use the ‘Delivery Confirmation’ tool as prevention for complete security. By using this delivery option, you will receive notification when the e-mail ‘passes the filter’ and is delivered to Dynatech. The most well-known tool: ‘Request a Read Receipt’ is a useful tool as well, but only if the e-mail has been received by the addressee.