
Blog empresa Dynatech

16 June, 2009

We think they are close to the ending, perhaps a few hours, maybe one day, could distance us from having good new from of our climbers.

They have ascended route to CV, thay have overcomed again the fixed ropes. They will face the West Buttress, the ridge which gives its name to the path. This ridge is very dangerous although there are anchorages and fixed ropes along all the route that secure the progression. The biggest difficulty is the strong wind, so the ascent over the ridge is a delicate moment.

Day is not too favourable, but to attempt to reach the summit they must go gout now, without delay. It is likely to be steady on tuesday or Wednesday, according weather forecast.

Adrian has a double fight, the Denali challenge and his backache. He wants to fight to the limit. The Raules are tired but better than Adrián. The load distribution has been proportional to the current strength of each one. This helps them to arrive to the highest point.

They are fighting tooth and nail, their voices seems to be getting fainter and fainter, but they trasmit us calm. Communications are not good, talks are slow, the reflections are with long silences.

We expect moments of uncertainty, diffused moments. They know we are following from here all of their movements, we are encouraging them and it is a great support for them.

We hope commications get better, but now it is necessary to ration the satellite battery, communicate one instant and make the most of it, beasides, the orography os this mountain creates shadows that make the transmission difficult, therefore, we will continue informing you as soon as we have news.

Thank you for your support.

16 answers a “Near the ending”

  1. Edgar Dice:

    Ánimo y fuerza para todos y mucho empuje Adrian!! un abrazo!

  2. Manuel Dice:

    Ánimo y fuerza, que ya lo habéis conseguido.

  3. Iván Uclés Dice:

    Venga primito que ya queda poco, deja bien alto el apellido Uclés y cuando vuelvas nos echaremos un vaso de Ví, jejeje!!

  4. GELEN Dice:

    Tenemos el corazón en un puño!!!
    animo y a resistir!! campeones
    muchos besossss mi niño!!

  5. jose luis Dice:

    Os sigo de cerca y coloco en mi blog, todas las noticias que encuentro de vosotros para que no solo Monzon se entere de vuestra proeza, sino todo el resto del mundo, Animo y que no decaiga, que esa montañica no os pueda, que no se diga.

    Un saludo desde Peña Athletic Club de Bilbao Monzon y redolada

  6. Pepe Dice:

    Gracias por la postal, sois unos maquinas y ánimo, un abrazo.

  7. Markos Dice:

    Ya estais ahi Adrian&Raules, mucha mucha energia desde Monzon para culminar el ascenso, y mucha mas para el descenso. Animos y traeros unos hielos que aqui ya llego el lorenzo y sus temperaturas, jaja Pronto nos vemos.

  8. abel Dice:

    vamos primo krusty soy el primo chivo ya qda poco pal logro no os desanimeis y os esperamos amigos y familiares con ansias 1ABRAZO!!

  9. antoni Dice:

    animo y buana suerte desde manises para raul y sus amigos

  10. Sonia Dice:

    Enhorabuena montañeros!!!!!Estamos super contentos, por fin noticias buenas!! tener cuidado al bajar.

  11. Lolo Y Alegria Dice:

    enhorabuena campeones,!!! que grandes montañeros !!! esto nos hace muy felices a todos,
    cuidaros en la bajada, besos.

  12. izan y izarbe y papas Dice:

    enhorabuena estamos muy contentos y felices sois unos campeones!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. ismael Dice:

    enhorabuena hermano enorabuena raul yo sabia ke subirias aunque la montaña no se dejara,porque los de monzon somos muy cabezotas y con muchos ……….

  14. GELEN Dice:


  15. Santi Dice:

    Enhorabuena Campeones. Os esperamos en Monzón preparando una bien gorda.
    Sois inigualables!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. Adriana:) Dice:

    Hola Chicos — Muy buena felicitaciones!!!! Un beso, para todos. Potrin — big kiss for you!!!!
    Adriana :)

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